
Our webinars will provide you with the fundamentals needed to practice orthotic therapy
successfully in your clinic and offer a comprehensive continuing education learning environment.
 | WEBINAR - Fall Risk Assessment This 90 minute webinar is designed for musculoskeletal health care practitioners to learn about fall risk in the elderly. It covers mechanisms of postural control, fall risk assessment tools, and the role of exercise, walking aids, orthotics and AFO’s in the management of those at risk of falling.
Learning Objectives Include:
1. Learn how postural control and hence is maintained in normal individuals.
2. Learn how to recognize when your patient is at greater risk of a fall.
3. Learn about the literature regarding foot orthotics and balance.
4. Learn about the literature regarding AFO’s and balance
 | WEBINAR - Managing Polyneuropathy with NeuRemedy® Polyneuropathy is the most common form of peripheral neuropathy. It affects over thirty million Americans, three million Canadians and its incidence is growing rapidly. Polyneuropathy is the most common and often the first complication of diabetes.
Until recently, the mainstay of treatment for polyneuropathy was the use of anticonvulsants and/or antidepressants, drugs that sedate and suppress nervous system function. Today, many doctors have discovered that they can successfully manage their patients’ symptoms nutritionally with NeuRemedy®, the polyneuropathy vitamin. NeuRemedy® is a safe and effective high potency form of vitamin B1. NeuRemedy® was recently licensed by Health Canada for people suffering from polyneuropathy. NeuRemedy® can be dispensed from your office to your patients suffering from polyneuropathy.
 | WEBINAR - Orthotics for Children This 1-hour webinar addresses orthotic therapy for conditions predominately limited to paediatric populations. Specifically the conditions discussed will be Growing Pains, Flexible Flat Foot, and Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. We will discuss the clinical presentation of these conditions, clinical assessment to document/diagnose these conditions and research indicating the effectiveness of orthotic therapy in the treatment of these conditions.
 | Diabetes WEBINAR
| WEBINAR - Leg Length Discrepancy This 1-hour webinar is designed for practitioners seeking to learn more about the nuances of the treating leg length discrepancy. The presentation will include a review of the most common causes of leg length discrepancy (structural and functional), and how much of a difference is clinically significant. We will discuss methods for determining the amount of lift required and how to incrementally reach the final correction. We will also cover when and how to integrate lift therapy with orthotic therapy and how the age of the patient and compensations influence treatment decisions about leg length discrepancy.
| WEBINAR - Apex® Footwear: They are more than just shoes After this one hour webinar, you will have a better understanding of the Apex® footwear line and how they apply to your patients various foot types and conditions.
• Proper fit and function of Apex® footwear
• Matching the shape of a foot with the proper Apex® footwear
• Foot types & conditions, and choosing the proper Apex® footwear
• Foot deformities and challenges
• Apex® footwear as an orthopedic/functional device
• Educating patients and assessment questions
 | WEBINAR - Diabetes: Orthotic Therapy & Proper Footwear This 1-hour webinar will cover the following topics related to treating your diabetic patients with the proper footwear and custom foot orthotics.
- Diabetic patients that are unable to wear standard foot orthotics
- Choosing the correct orthotic options for your diabetic patient
- Special design requirements for diabetic orthotics
- The basic components of diabetic footwear
- Choosing specific orthopaedic shoes that will protect diabetic feet and accommodate diabetic foot orthotics